Lip Blush

Lip blush enhances your lips with a healthy youthful tint. Restore lost pigmentation with a natural-looking boost of color for everyday wear without the smudge or fade!

Lip blush provides long-lasting natural pigmented lips. This is not meant to replace wearing lipstick, instead, it leaves more of a lip stain effect that keeps you looking fresh on days when you just don’t want to wear makeup. We have different shades of pigments for different skin tones and preferences.

Lip blush is also good for those who have scars and want them covered up.

Preparing for your lip blush

Here’s how to get ready for your lip blush tattoo procedure:
* Lips must not be dry for the procedure! Keep them fully moisturized with a lip ointment like Aquaphor or Vaseline starting from a week prior to the procedure. * Exfoliate the lips 1-2 days before the procedure using a soft toothbrush or DIY sugar/honey scrub.
* Cold sore sufferers - see important note below * If you have a history of cold sores: * Ideally, you are advised to see your doctor for anti-viral medication which you should start 2-3 days prior to the procedure
* If available, topical Zovirax can be applied preventatively during the first week of healing.
* Otherwise, it is recommended to take L-lysine 1-2 weeks before and after the appointment to reduce the risk.

However, cold sores are a risk of lip blush treatment regardless of whether you have had them in the past. It is therefore recommended for ALL clients to take L-lysine, and if you experience an unusual tingly sensation in the lips or notice any bumps appear - see your doctor immediately as you may be experiencing an episode of cold sores. Prompt treatment is crucial in minimizing the extent of a cold sore outbreak.
* No alcohol or caffeinated products 24 hours before treatment, and no aspirin or blood-thinning medications five days prior.
* Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior to the procedure (they are natural blood thinners).
* Absolutely no injections of Novocaine, Botox or fillers should be administered to you ten days before treatment. Please inform us of any current injections.
* If you use or have used Retin-A or any other medications, please advise the technician.
* Wash your hair that morning - because you can't get your healing tattoo wet you will need to avoid washing your hair too soon.


Lip Blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup that enhances and defines both the natural shape and color of a client’s natural lips. It can also be used to help mask scars and imperfections of the lips and to create asymmetry.

It is for you if:

  • You have pale natural lips


  • You want to redefine the contours of your lips
  • You want to achieve a fuller lip look without fillers.

The technique is performed using a PMU machine and pigment designed for the technique which provides a subtle, matte, natural toned, tint effect as the final result.

***(It’s important to be aware that Lip Blushing will not provide a solid lipstick look but rather a tint effect).

The first procedure takes approximately 2-2.5 hours, the 6 week touch up is about 1.5 hours.

Your Lip Blushing will last anywhere from 1-3 years depending on your skin type, lifestyle and after care of your lips.

There will be swelling typically for the first 24-48 hours. While the swelling starts going down right away and most people are back to normal by the following morning, plan on 48 hours of staying low key to be safe! The color will appear bright or darker the first week, but will gradually scab and lighten.

If your lips are kept clean and moisturized then only a thin film (not a scab) will appear. The film will start peeling off by itself around day 3 and may not exfoliate evenly. During this time, your lips may feel tight, cracked, chapped and itchy as the flakes are coming away. Leave the film alone; picking will cause irritation, can lead to scars and will lift color from the treated area resulting in unevenness and blank spots. Let the area heal naturally for best results and keep your lips moisturized at all times to help soothe and heal them. The color implanted will fade by 50-60% during the first healing process.

While the film is peeling, it may seem as though the treatment hasn’t worked well. The color may look weak or it may seem as though the pigment has disappeared. Why? Lip tattoos are not as deep as a ‘normal’ tattoo – your new healing skin is covering the pigment and when your skin and the pigment start to settle (between weeks 2-4), you’ll notice that your lip tattoo starts coming back. It didn’t disappear in the first place; it was just harder to see through a thicker layer of healing skin. If the color is still weak/patchy at weeks 5-6, don’t worry! This is a delicate tattoo to heal, and is why we do 2 sessions.

Healing is specific to each client and it’s important to realize that you’ll need a color boost every 12 / 18 / 24 months to maintain the vibrancy of your lip tattoo. Your lifestyle choices, age, genetics, and skin type will contribute to the retention of your lip tattoo. If you regularly bite your lips, use lip exfoliator, use tanning beds, sunbathe, don’t use sun protection, smoke, use anti-aging products (on your lips), or get your lips filled after having your lips tattooed, your lip tattoo WILL fade faster and you’ll need more regular touch ups.

Permanent makeup is an art, not a science. Your results will vary and using lip liner, lip gloss or lipstick may still be needed, especially when wearing heavy coverage make up. This is not necessarily a no maintenance treatment, but a low maintenance treatment.

  • If you are prone to cold sores, it is recommended to take a regimen of Valtrex or Lysine prior to the procedure to avoid an outbreak.
  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Vitamin C or Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure. Tylenol is OK.
  • Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.
  • Apply the given ointment as often as possible for 1 week. Do not let your lips dry out completely, since this can cause scabbing and cracking of skin surface.
  • For at least 5 days, please do not consume any hot drinks or food. The hotness can result in the pigment fading faster and your lips will peel.
  • For 5 days, please prevent going into a sauna, pool, and taking hot showers/bath.
  • You can get your lips wet (i.e. when washing your face/mouth) but please do not get any hot water near your lip area. In other words, do not soak your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly in your face.
  • No exercising for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • No lip fillers for 4 weeks post procedure.
  • Do not scrub, scratch, or pick at the tattoo site at any time during the healing process – this can cause you to lose color that may not be repairable.
  • No facials or masks for 15 days, and avoid them in the lips area indefinitely.
  • No Neosporin, Vaseline, or other petroleum products while your lips are healing.
  • No anti-acne products (i.e. Benzoyl Peroxide, Pro-active) or lightening creams (bleach creams) – this will cause rapid fading.
  • No anti-aging products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids.

During the procedure, anesthetics will be used to minimize the pain by numbing your lips. Lips are prone to swelling due to their sensitive nature. Swelling will typically subside in 3-5 days.